Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ugh...I often feel like I'm living invasion of the body snatchers. I know in my heart and mind what I should be doing, but my body seems to have a life of it's own. I feel helpless to get it to obey.

I recently had a choice to make...trust God with an area that has been difficult for me (almost a phobia) or give into that fear. At the very last minute I could not make myself do it. I prayed and prayed for God to give me just enough courage and trust to follow through, but my weak human flesh failed me.

It saddens me when I feel I have disappointed God. I could have, should have made a better choice. I should have been able to control my fleshly fears and trusted in my God. Do I really think somehow I am controlling the situation by giving in?

Thankfully, God gives me many chances to make a better choice, a choice to trust and accept his control over my life. Hopefully next time, I can take that step of faith and push past my fleshly fears.

1 comment:

  1. GB: Another stretch goal is the addition of optional voice acting — something that wasn’t part of your early work. Since you’re willing to take that step, what about the music? Will it be limited to fit the 1987 concept, or are you looking for a higher fidelity soundtrack?
    Runescape Gold
