Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Too much have we emphasized drawing as an art; it may be an art, if the one who draws is an artist; but if he is not an artist, he still has a right to draw if it pleases him to do so."

I love this!

It comes from the Handbook of Nature by Anna Comstock.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ugh...I often feel like I'm living invasion of the body snatchers. I know in my heart and mind what I should be doing, but my body seems to have a life of it's own. I feel helpless to get it to obey.

I recently had a choice to God with an area that has been difficult for me (almost a phobia) or give into that fear. At the very last minute I could not make myself do it. I prayed and prayed for God to give me just enough courage and trust to follow through, but my weak human flesh failed me.

It saddens me when I feel I have disappointed God. I could have, should have made a better choice. I should have been able to control my fleshly fears and trusted in my God. Do I really think somehow I am controlling the situation by giving in?

Thankfully, God gives me many chances to make a better choice, a choice to trust and accept his control over my life. Hopefully next time, I can take that step of faith and push past my fleshly fears.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

It Begins

I'm starting a new blog to put down some of my thoughts, some poetry, quotations and anything else I find of interest. I will also be sharing some of my spiritual journey and no blog of mine would be complete without some photos.

Hope you will find it of interest.